April 16, 2010

Wish I had some carrots...

Today, our friend from our church took us to his Rabbit Farm, yes that’s right...RABBIT FARM! There were so many rabbits, and apparently he had just sold 70! Could not even imagine adding 70 to the number that was already there! I have never seen so many rabbits in one place! There were rabbits of all ages, some of the biggest I have ever seen, and some of the smallest I have ever seen! There were these two rabbits that were only 5 days old, and they looked like little tiny rat pig babies, it was hilarious! I held one,...and almost let it go, my bad!
Afterwards he took us out for lunch at this place he always goes to...and guess what, THEY HAD PIZZA! It was incredibly delicious, one of the best I have ever tasted! No Pizza for 2 months...almost didn’t make it! Haha. Then to top it all off, WE HAD ICE CREAM! Pizza and Ice Cream all in one day, couldn’t get any more delicious than that! Some of the best ice cream I have ever tasted as well. I got to find out how they make this stuff, incredible!
...K I retract my statement on most amazing day ever + most amazing pizza ever...We got sick, very very sick! We’re pretty sure it’s food poisoning! Eeek. Not fun at all. All three of us started to get nauseous all at the same time, and the rest of the night only went downhill from there! Ironic because I started getting sick when I was writing how awesome the pizza was! Never ever had a worst night in my life, at one point it was like 3am, and I was so delusional & basically passed out on my bathroom floor...Ya I won’t go into detail but you get the gist of what happened I’m sure! WORST PIZZA EVER!...haha...but not bad eh! 2 whole months in Africa without getting sick! Praise God!...but still, WORST PIZZA EVER!

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