April 30, 2010

Todo, we’re not in Kansas anymore...

So guess what happened?...THERE WAS A TORNADO! So exciting! I’ll back track a little to give you the full story.
So there I was, sitting in the living room watching a movie on Saturday morning. The girls were asleep so I was just hanging out by myself. All was calm and well with the city. Out of nowhere, this crazy freak wind came through our neighbourhood with what sounded like an airplane landing on our house! It went from calm, to extreme winds in one second. I have never seen such winds, it was so cool! I quickly ran to the back porch to get a better look at the situation! There were thing flying everywhere, and I mean everywhere even all the way up to the sky, the trees breaking and swaying, but my adrenaline was interrupted with me getting blinded by all the dirt and dust whipping around in the air. I stumbled back in the house and decided to watch at a distance, to spare my retinas. It only lasted about 5 minutes, but those 5 minutes were so exciting because I had no idea what was going on! Soon after, the normal insane rain storm hit, which was always fun!
It wasn’t till two days after that I found out it actually was a tornado! It made the situation so much better and exciting in my mind! Definitely my first tornado experience, so awesome!

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