March 4, 2010

Le Chef Jamie

During the past few days, I’ve taken a considerably liking to cooking, trying to do something new each time. It’s been a lot of fun! Even through my many successes though, there have definitely been failures. But what’s cooking without failures eh? Haha.

In all my cooking ventures, I’ve so far experienced the following. Not knowing how much pasta grows when cooked, I’ve managed to accidentally make a meal that could have fed 10 people. Carleigh and I ended up burning black our chicken! I’ve had many close encounters lighting the stove...eek! I apparently bought and cooked an onion of death, I couldn’t even see or open my eyes when I was frying those bad boys up! I didn’t put enough water in the pot while making rice, so the water got all sucked up, and delightfully left an inch layer of burnt rice on the pot. My masterpiece however was lighting a cloth on fire, and not noticing at all! Haha. Let me explain.

The pot was really hot, so I decided to hold a cloth in my hand, in order to hold the pot and stir the rice. In my expert smell opinion, I deducted that the rice at the bottom of the pot was burning, because I smelt this really strong burning smell while stirring. I was really sad that the rice was burnt at the bottom, so I just left it to finish. I walked away from the pot with a cloth on fire in my hand! Apparently it wasn’t the rice that was burning that whole time, and the cloth had caught on fire from the bad. Definitely threw that cloth in the soapy water where Janna was washing bad Janna. Haha! (No one was injured during this unfortunate event J)

I would like to think I’m still a good chef though, so play along! Haha.

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