March 18, 2010

Daylight Nada

So we found ourselves very, very confused on Sunday afternoon. We haven’t really changed our laptop clocks to Benin time so we always just calculate 9 hours ahead to see what time it is. We had to be ready at 3:30pm and apparently, out of nowhere might I add, it was already that time and we were not close to ready at all! We sat there wondering forever how it is possible that it was already that time, there was no way at all! After much thought, we finally clued in! We had forgotten about daylight savings! Then we were even more stressed for a second because the clocks went ahead an hour, so once again we were not ready at all at the time we were supposed to be ready for! Then once again got confused, our Beninese cell phones only said 2:30...? Then we clued in again, Benin doesn’t have daylight savings!

So crazy and weird that back home it’s now an hour later, but here it isn’t! Haha. Not too upset though because we didn’t have to experience losing an hour of sleep! Totally bypassed it this year woot! Definitely wished for this day to come, I certainly do not losing an hour of sleep, and now I don’t have too for another whole year :D!

1 comment:

  1. jealous. that you didnt loose an hour of sleep.
    must be nice ;)
