March 4, 2010

God's Calendar

So this week, we didn’t have much planned at all, well plans that involved progress on finding leaders, which was a little discouraging that finding our leaders was going to take longer than predicted. God had other plans though by providing us with three important meetings that were totally out of the blue and unexpected!

1.We had the privilege of meeting with the elders of the church this Sunday to introduce ourselves, why we are here, and to share DRIME and DRIME’s vision to them. They were very welcoming and kind hearted. After our whole spiel, they told us that they are totally on board with this and that we just need to let them know if we need anything! It was awesome to know that they are behind us and are on board with what we are here to do! They even recruited us to perform at this event they are hosting at their church for 3 days. We agreed, but totally have no idea what we are doing haha! I didn’t really understand what the event was or how or when we will be performing, so hopefully we will be able to clear that up soon! So excited to be a part of this event though!

2.We got a call Monday night at 11pm that we had a meeting with the leader of all of the Pentecostal churches here in Benin, at 8:30 the next morning! So that was very unexpected but very exciting! He was on board with everything we want to do and is willing to help us find leaders! Our goal was to ask if we can go to many of the different churches to host info meetings and such so that we could find leaders and members. He made it way easier for us though! He was like “that is way too much work going into different churches, I’ll just get you in contact with a whole bunch of people I know would be interested in joining!” So that was a huge blessing!

3. We have a meeting Friday afternoon with the leader of all the campus ministries and Campus Crusade for Christ which is awesome because most people interested in DRIME are university age, and he’s the leader of all the campus ministries...hello...praise God!

Please pray that the meeting goes well, and please keep praying for us in our time here, that God would keep us safe and healthy, that he would give us great discernment in choosing leaders, and for his guidance in our time here in Benin!


  1. Sounds like God is on the move, I'm glad to hear that the network is growing in a big way for you guys.

  2. wow that's so good to hear everythings working out! Praying for you

  3. Thx so much guys!!!!
    Ya God is definitely moving in a big way here!
    Please pray for the evangelism event this weekend!
