May 19, 2010

4-days on the Field

While us five DRIME Canada people were here, we decided to fit in four days straight of ministry with the DRIME Benin leaders & GAiN. Those four days were awesome, God changed the lives of many individuals through those days!

Our first day, since we are preparing for DRIME Benin to take place, we obviously had to choose a location for their street ministry. We took Thursday as an opportunity to try out a location in the city for ministry. We performed right in the center of this giant round-about that seemed to be in the middle of the city because of the extremely high traffic of people, which is perfect! At one point, we had a crowd of what seemed like at least 100 people, it was amazing! Kind of hilarious at the same time though, because the space we were performing in was a circle, we had to constantly change directions to perform our dramas, because the crown kept gathering in different places, haha!

On the Friday & Saturday, we went to two different villages with GAiN. Both days were a lot of fun! The whole village would come out and watch us do the dramas, & hear the word of God. Afterwards, like usual, we would gather the kids and play games with them which is always a blast! We played Duck, Duck, Goose, we had a jump rope competition & played soccer and Frisbee. It’s amazing how joy just radiates from them, even when every single say, they are faced with such challenges! I love spending time with them, and just loving them & bringing them the message of hope!

Sunday afternoon/night we tried out another location for ministry in the city. This time we went to a beach to do ministry, there were so many people, it was awesome! By the way, guess what the beach is called...Obama Beach! Even half way across the world, he is still so popular here! Crazy! Anyway, the dramas really seemed to attract a crowd so that proved to be a great place for ministry! Also, the added bonus was the priceless/amazing ocean breeze! Felt so incredibly nice!

Praise God for the many, many people that came to know Christ through these 4-days of ministry! Thank you so much for the prayers during these days, God definitely protected us & provided!

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